Our Niche

Everyone has a Niche…

At Advice SA, our niche is providing financial advice in relation to employer and industry super funds,
with a specific focus on defined benefit super schemes. We’ve developed a structured and easy to understand
five-point methodology to enable you to maximise your benefits from these specialised funds.

Advice SA has extensive experience in providing financial advice to members of the largest employer and industry superannuation funds.

Mark Bastiaans has also been appointed as an accredited financial adviser with a number of superannuation funds. The accreditation allows the advice fees that relate to your benefit within the superannuation fund to be deducted from your account.

If a superannuation fund does not offer accreditation for financial advisers, Advice SA can still provide financial advice to members of the fund via the use of an ‘Authority to Access Information’.

This represents a continuing commitment by Advice SA to service the members of all employer and industry super funds.

Advice SA provides a full range of financial planning services and advice on:

  • Salary Sacrifice
  • Transition to Retirement
  • Retirement Planning Redundancy (TVSP)
  • Redundancy
  • Wealth Accumulation
  • Insurance
  • Estate Planning
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