Planning to retire at the end of 2018? The time to maximise benefits is now.
Congratulations on making the decision to retire at the end of 2018. Managing your week around work commitments will soon be replaced with freedom and the ability to fill your diary however you choose.
For many people in this position, however, the mad rush to close the book on their work-life and hand over responsibilities to a successor normally results in a few key decisions in about their personal wealth being delayed.
Questions such as ‘what you are going to do with your super?’ and ‘how will you meet your retirement income?’ need to be addressed but are often put on hold until after the office is cleaned out and farewell speeches are made.
So if you want to retire at the end of 2018, now is the time to start planning. This will give you the ability to:
- Effectively structure your employment income (and tax) given you will not be employed for a full financial year.
- Review your investment options to ensure stock market volatility does not impact your retirement benefits during the period in which you can least afford it.
- Understand the timeframes associated with the commencement of retirement pensions to ensure continuity of income once your salary stops.
- Start collecting all your important documents to enable a smooth Centrelink Age Pension or Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card application.
If you are a teacher or academic, July is a particularly good time to act. Advice SA has appointment times available during the mid-year break and July school holidays. Get in quick for an initial appointment (while students are still on their break).
Why choose us?
At Advice SA, we do things differently. You’re not dealing with a big company that’s only interested in selling its own products or services. You won’t be passed around to different advisors based on how much they can extract from you. There are no commissions or fine print. Our clients’ needs are our number one priority.
At Advice SA, you get:
- Straightforward, honest and easy to understand financial advice
- Advice that’s tailored to your situation – no one size fits all outcomes
- Experienced, professional and knowledgeable advisors who take the time to explain every aspect of what they do
- Lasting and trusted relationship with your advisor
When people consider seeking financial advice, they’re often unclear about what strategic financial advice actually is, the type of advice they’ll receive, how it will help them and the costs involved.
To help answer some of these unknowns, we’ve developed a short questionnaire so that during your initial appointment, we can establish the types of financial strategies you require, the benefits these strategies will deliver and an estimated fee range.
This ensures complete transparency for you as you move through our process… no hidden agendas or processes.
At Advice SA we provide goal-based advice through discovery meetings that allow you to uncover your ‘blue sky’ dreams. Call us to find out what’s possible for you.
Mark Bastiaans is an Authorised Representative #296627 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 156 498 538 AFSL 420367.
The information provided above contains general advice that does not take into account your financial situation, specific needs or objectives and is not intended to be personal financial advice and should not be relied upon without written advice from Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd.