Australian Retirement Trust

The result of a merger between QSuper and Sunsuper in early 2022, the Australian Retirement Trust is one of the largest superannuation funds in Australia with over 2.3 million members and more than $260 billion in funds under management.

How Advice SA can help ART members

Australian Retirement Trust (ART) brings together two large-scale superannuation funds each with their own broad membership base and products including accumulation, defined benefit, lifetime pension and retirement oncome accounts.

Our advisers have a long history advising QSuper and Sunsuper members and have an in-depth understanding of products from both funds plus those now offered under the merged entity. Our product knowledge is matched by our full suite of advice offerings from investment choice, defined benefit optimisation, and retirement income streams.

Advice SA can provide advice on the following ART products:

SuperannuationRetirement Income streamsInsurance within superannuation
• ART Super savings Accumulation account
• Qsuper Accumulation account
• Qsuper Defined Benefit account
• Retirement Income account
• Transition to retirement
• QSuper Income Account
• QSuper Lifetime Pension
All insurance options

Common areas we provide advice to ART members include:

  • Transition to Retirement
  • Defined benefit optimisation
  • Income stream structure and establishment
  • Superannuation re-contribution
  • Investment Choice
  • Contribution Strategy
  • Retirement Planning
  • Insurance
  • Wealth management
  • Estate Planning including reversionary considerations for income streams

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